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Fleisch Hauptspeisen Rezepte zu Abend zu Mittag

Chicken Fajitas vom Blech

Für 4 PersonenZubereitungsdauer: 45 Minuten Zutaten: 8 Mais Tortillafladen 600 g Hühnerfilet (ich verwende hier Hühnerinnenfilet weil das so zart ist) 2 grüne Paprika 1 gelber Paprika 1 roter Paprika 4 Schalotten oder 2 rote Zwiebel 4 Knoblauchzehen 2 Limetten 3 EL Olivenöl 2…

Fisch Hauptspeisen Vorspeisen zu Abend zu Mittag


Serves: 4 Preparation time: 40 min After posting Nico’s Thai version & my version of ceviche I thought I should share a recipe of the „real“ ceviche with you. It is again a perfect dish for hto summer days and can be served with…

Salat aus Kräutern, Octopus und Kichererbsen
Nachspeisen Süßes

Kiwi-Eis mit Limette

Serves: 4 Preparation time: 10 min & 6 h freezing time I’ve been wanting to do this for such a long time: making my own popsicles! I remember my mom creating all kinds of ice cream & fruit popsicles when we were young, but…

Avocado und Yoghurt Torte mit Beeren und Schoko-Nuss-Boden
Nachspeisen Süßes vegan

Avocadokuchen mit Yoghurt

Serves: 6 Preparation time: 1 h & 8 h cooling time Since I am not much of a fancy patissier, I most of the time am not very eager to make plenty-layers-cakes or fondant-covered gateaus. Yesterday night after having one or two encouraging glasses…

Wassermlonen Feta Salat
Salat vegetarisch Vorspeisen zu Abend zu Mittag


Serves: 2   So this is the watermelon and feta dish I already talked about in my post about my watermelon & roastbeef recipe. It is super simple and will not only surprise you but also impress your guests and friends due to the unexpected harmony of these…
