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Nachspeisen Süßes

Topfenecken mit Kirschenmarmelade

Serves: 6 Preparation time: 1 h I hereby present to you the one dessert that fills all my childhood memories: cherry puff pastry! I remember my sister and me sitting in the garden, impatiently waiting for our mum to come out with a big…

Nachspeisen Süßes vegan

Vegane Schokoriegel

Serves: 8 Preparation time: 1 h As I already stated in one of my previous vegan posts, I have an ambivalent attitude when it comes to veganism. Even though I do not agree with everything it claims or stands for, I am absolutely confident…

Eis mit Chia, Yoghurt und Zwetschken
Nachspeisen Süßes

Zwetschgeneis mit Chia & Joghurt

Serves: 4 Preparation time: 15 min & 6 h freezing time As promised here is another recipe for homemade popsicles. Instead of plums you can use any other kind of fruit such as banana, berries, oranges, grapefruit, peaches, aprictos, figs, etc. Ingredients: 200 g…

Salat aus Kräutern, Octopus und Kichererbsen
Nachspeisen Süßes

Kiwi-Eis mit Limette

Serves: 4 Preparation time: 10 min & 6 h freezing time I’ve been wanting to do this for such a long time: making my own popsicles! I remember my mom creating all kinds of ice cream & fruit popsicles when we were young, but…

Grapefruit und Wassermelonen Drink
Nachspeisen Süßes zum Frühstück


Serves: 4 Preparation time: 10 min I don’t know about you people, but the last few days I’ve been sitting in an unimaginably hot apartment in Vienna trying to escape the heat by showering every 30 minutes and sitting in front of a ventilator…

Avocado und Yoghurt Torte mit Beeren und Schoko-Nuss-Boden
Nachspeisen Süßes vegan

Avocadokuchen mit Yoghurt

Serves: 6 Preparation time: 1 h & 8 h cooling time Since I am not much of a fancy patissier, I most of the time am not very eager to make plenty-layers-cakes or fondant-covered gateaus. Yesterday night after having one or two encouraging glasses…

Französisch Nachspeisen Süßes


Für 4 Personen Zubereitungsdauer:1 h Zutaten: 5 Eiweiß 240 g Staubzucker (fein gesiebt) 2 El Maisstärke 1 TL Weißweinessig 350 ml Schlagobers frische Früchte (ich habe hier Marillen, Pfirsiche und Himbeeren verwendet; Kiwi, Passionsfrucht, Bananen, Ribiseln etc. machen sich aber auch wahnsinnig gut) frische Minzeblätter…
