Serves: 2 Preparation time: 35 min Obviously there is no need to explain why I am posting this recipe. I mean, it’s about fries!… Simple, delicious & comforting fries that everybody is going to love. For two servings or as a side dish for 4-6 people you…
Serves: 2 After my tribute to my all time favorite cook Yotam Ottolenghi I would now like to share finally this broccoli recipe of Yotam with you. Broccoli is one of the most undervalued, unappreciated and most underestimated vegetables out there – I already gave…
Für 4 Personen Zubereitungsdauer: 50 min Zutaten: 2 Auberginen 1,5 kg frische Tomaten 1 EL Tomatenmark 4 Knoblauchzehen 4 Stück Mozarella 150 g geriebener Parmesan Olivenöl getrockneten Oregano, Thymian und Rosmarin frischer Basilikum Salz & Pfeffer Zubereitung: Die Tomatensauce: Etwa 3/4 der Tomaten in…