Zubereitungsdauer: 30 Minuten
Für 2 Personen
1 große Süßkartoffel
2 Handvoll rote Weintrauben (entkernt)
150g Feta
2 Handvoll Vogerlsalat
1 Orange
1 EL Honig
Salz & Pfeffer
- Die Süßkartoffel in mundgerechte Stücke schneiden und in einer ofenfesten Form nebeneinander platzieren. Mit Salz, Pfeffer & Olivenöl marinieren und bei 180°C etwa 30 Minuten backen bis die Süßkartoffel weich genug ist.
- Währenddessen die Trauben halbieren, den Feta zerbröseln & den Vogerlsalat waschen.
- Für die Vinaigrette den Saft der Orange mit Olivenöl, Weißweinessig, Honig, Salz & Pfeffer gut vermengen und abschmecken.
- Die Süßkartoffeln mit den restlichen Zutaten vermengen, mit der Vinaigrette marinieren und lauwarm servieren.
Preparation time: 30 min
Serves: 2
After a few weeks of hearty & heavy Christmas-food and New Year’s festivities, I suddenly felt a strong craving for healthy and mostly plant-based food, which is why we started the first week of 2016 with lots of Pho, various kinds of salad, vegetable stews & green smoothies.
This is one of these “let’s start this year in a more healthy way”-dishes. For a fully plant-based version just leave out the feta or replace it with walnuts or hazelnuts.
- 1 big sweet potato
- 2 handfuls of red deseeded grapes
- 150 g feta cheese
- 2 handfuls of corn salad
- white wine vinegar
- 1 orange
- 1 tbsp of honey
- olive oil
- salt & pepper
- Cut the sweet potato into bite-sized pieces and place them in an ovenproof casserole dish. Sprinkle with salt, pepper & olive oil and bake at 180°C for about 30 minutes until the fully cooked and soft.
- Meanwhile cut the grapes into halves, crumble the feta cheese & wash the corn salad.
- For the vinaigrette combine the juice of the orange with olive oil, white wine vinegar, honey, salt & pepper and mix well.
- To serve combine all ingredients on a big serving plate or on separate plates & marinate it with the orange and honey vinaigrette.
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